The 10Ks of Personal Branding: Create a Better You
The 10Ks of Personal Branding: Create a Better You

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Are you an employee stuck in a career rut? Are you a student looking to get the right start? Or do you just want to create a better you? In The 10Ks of Personal Branding, author Kaplan Mobray offers ten must-know insights to building your personal brand. In this inspiring guide, learn how to focus your life's goals with your life's actions to create a powerful package called "you." Filled with easy-to-follow instructions and valuable tips on developing your personal brand, this guide explains the10Ks of personal branding: Know thyselfKnow what you want to be known forKnow how to be consistentKnow how to accept failure as part of building your personal brandKnow how to communicate your personal brand attributesKnow how to create your own opportunitiesKnow and master the art of connectionKnow that silence is not an optionKnow your expectations, not your limitationsKnow why you are doing what you are doing today and how it will shape where you are headed tomorrowThese principles can change your life, give you focus, propel your career, and take you to a much greater place.

  • Released: September 12, 2019
  • Author: Kaplan Mobray
  • Rating: 4,4
  • Publisher: Ebook Digital Agency
  • Total Page: 210 pages
  • File Size: 50845 KB

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